Electric Vehicle Authorised Person Training Course 

One Day 
Online or Classroom 
Course Membership: 
Persons who have successfully completed a Competent Person pre-authorisation training course and are required to manage the safe isolation of EV systems.  
Course Objectives: 
This course will train and assess persons who are to be appointed as an EV Authorised Person (EV AP) under the Company's Electric Vehicle Health and Safety policy and procedures in their roles and responsibilities as an EV AP, to ensure that they possess the necessary knowledge, skill, and competence to carry out this role. 
On completion of the course, delegates will: 
Have proven knowledge and understanding of the following: 
Recap on Legal Requirements 
Recap of general requirements for work on EV systems 
EV Risk Assessment prior to commencing work on an isolated EV system 
The responsibilities of EV Competent, Authorised and Senior Authorised Persons to work on dead and isolated EV systems 
Procedures for isolating and proving dead EV systems 
Permit-to-Work procedures, including the preparation, issue, suspension / transfer, clearance and, cancellation 
Procedures to deal with unplanned or unforeseen events and end of day / shift procedures 
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